Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Making a change....

So, clearly I have been neglecting this, my own quiet little corner of the interwebz...I'm thinking, that, daily, I'm juggling a lovely housewife, an amazing daughter, a full time job, an hour-long one-way commute, two Facebook profiles, and a strong interest in more hobbies than I have time or money, and then there is this, my blog. Bottom of the list. Thought of, but very rarely even noticed by me, the creatorrrrrr. OK, maybe just author, creator seems a bit...glorious trinity on high, for me.

Mr. Popularity here has 4 amazingly devoted followers! Like Bartles and James once said, thank you for your support.

I am going to try to increase my visibility here. On my political Facebook profile, I am but a small voice in the cacophony of screaming conservatives who are just beside ourselves with the Usurper in Chief, and his freedom crushing Congress. So, I think in the interest of feeling like actually accomplishing something, I'm going to start posting articles here, that Me, Myself, and I find pertinent and timely, as well as my own thoughts on some of them. I'll also try to contribute some of my own thoughts on other, non-political subjects as well.

Consider yourselves warned. If you get a notification email every time i post something may find your inboxes full. Maybe, if I get around to it hehehe.

Later, Chris

Oh oh oh, I almost forgot! Please, please, feel free to post comments questions and opinions. I'll try really hard not to get my feelings hurt and run crying into the dark. Wait, what? For the most part, I think I can try to agree to disagree on some subjects, on others, you are just plain wrong bwahahahaha!

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